
Mind and Brain

Technostress, when the use of technology at work becomes a problem

A group at the IMT School studies this form of psychophysical discomfort, and designs interventions to prevent and reduce it.


With board, tiles and tokens you learn not to waste water

The results of the Blutube project confirm that play serves to learn sustainable behaviour.


Who has what it takes to conquer foreign markets

A machine learning algorithm makes it possible to identify companies that have the right characteristics to export successfully.


Foreign enterprises in Italy: they are still few but weigh in the production system 

A report provides the first data on the presence and role of foreign multinationals in our country.


Looking beyond one's own community

Research explains under which conditions the tendency to be altruistic and do good outside one's own inner circle prevails.


What drives the choice to donate blood

A study in collaboration between Avis and the IMT School compares voluntary and paid donors and highlights the motivations behind the donation.


Is the era of globalisation over?

How pandemics and the energy crisis are transforming the global economic system.

Mind and BrainSociety

Vaccines: trusting experts is not the same as listening to them

A study confirms that the public trusts science but needs to be listened to.


What drives a family business to be sustainable?

The case study of an Italian company helps to understand how the focus on territory and community comes about.

Technology and Innovation

Rainproof asphalts

The study of friction between surfaces using numerical simulation could give rise to 'super-draining' asphalts.


Face to face with death at the museum

The display of human remains in museums is the focus of a research project at the IMT School.

Mind and BrainSociety

How has the Italians’ mental health changed after the lockdown?

Women and young people are the most at risk of psychological distress in the post-lockdown period.